Ok, ok, so I've been slacking quite a bit in the blog department but we've been pretty busy around here.
The house, as of Dec. 23, 2010 - brick and siding almost done!!! The drywall starts on the 27th
Opening a present with help from Uncle Caleb, or as Mady calls him, Clubby
Sitting at Nonni and Poppi's house, ready for Christmas dinner!

At the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France!!!
We celebrated Thanksgiving with my in-laws here in Georgia, including Matt's brother, Jon and his girlfriend who were here from Memphis. We had a busy, packed weekend but it was great spending so much time with our family.
After Thanksgiving, mom and dad came back through from Florida and picked up Madelyn to take to Michigan. Matt and I went on a lte birthday trip to celebrate my 27th birthday and where did we go??? PARIS!!! We had a wonderful time. We spent 3 days and 2 nights in the city and saw so many beautiful things, including Notre Dame, The Louvre, the Arc di Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower. Had a good snow shower while we were there and it was great! Came home and was able to spend a day just the two of us getting the apartment clean, grocery shopping and catching up on our sleep. We had the rest of the week to ourselves and spent time with our friends without worrying about Madelyn and making sure we brought snacks and her blanket everywhere we went. Then on Friday, Dec. 10, we were able to fly in to Michigan and stay with my parents for the weekend. We got to see our sweet little girl again and enjoy 5 Christmas parties with family in just 2 short days! We enjoyed seeing everyone and received a lot of nice presents. Thankfully, the giant snow storm that made the Metrodome roof collapse didn't come all the way to GR and we were able to make it back to Atlanta pretty easily.
I think the biggest thing is our new house. It's coming along pretty quickly and the builder said we can move up the closing date from Feb 8 to Jan. 30 if we want! I was there a couple days ago and they were almost done with the brick and siding on the outside and were doing all the insulation on the inside. Hopefully tomorrow (Monday, the 27th) they will start drywalling!!!! It's been so fun to see it all coming together and so fast! We are truly blessed.
Yesterday we spent Christmas with Matt's dad and family. It was so nice to have everyone all together again. It doesn't happen all that much so it's fun when it does. I think God knew I was missing my family this year. It's the first time I haven't been home for Christmas and I had to miss the Mouw family party. So He blessed us with a White Christmas here in Atlanta!!!! It started snowing around 1130am and it didn't stop until almost 11 pm. We were going to spend the night but decided to try out the roads and make it home before the roads all froze and would keep us there all weekend. We made it home, many presents in tow, around midnight last night. Woke up this morning to the trees and ground covered in fresh white snow and it's still coming down now!!! It's been on and off all day but maybe I can have a snow day tomorrow and have another day off to spend with my daughter and relax.
Yesterday we spent Christmas with Matt's dad and family. It was so nice to have everyone all together again. It doesn't happen all that much so it's fun when it does. I think God knew I was missing my family this year. It's the first time I haven't been home for Christmas and I had to miss the Mouw family party. So He blessed us with a White Christmas here in Atlanta!!!! It started snowing around 1130am and it didn't stop until almost 11 pm. We were going to spend the night but decided to try out the roads and make it home before the roads all froze and would keep us there all weekend. We made it home, many presents in tow, around midnight last night. Woke up this morning to the trees and ground covered in fresh white snow and it's still coming down now!!! It's been on and off all day but maybe I can have a snow day tomorrow and have another day off to spend with my daughter and relax.
I think that's all for now. Hopefully in the new year I will be able to keep up a little better! For now, here's some pictures from the last few weeks!

At the Eiffel Tower, Paris, France!!!