Friday, September 3, 2010


Wow, been almost 3 months since I updated but the truth is we've been so busy around here. Let's see what I can remember and do a quick re-cap.

July 1 - Mady celebrates her 1st birthday!!!! We had a great time celebrating with not 1, but 2 parties for her 1st birthday. We celebrated in Georgia with friends and family here and then also had a party in Michigan on the 3rd with friends and family up there. It was so cute to see her realize what cake and frosting were!

July 15 - mom had her liver transplant!!!! Successful surgery started at 4am and finished around 12noon. She was in ICU at U of M hospital for a few days, then was moved to a regular room. She's doing great!

July 21 - Matt and I "celebrated" our 3 year wedding anniversary. The reason it's in quotes is because we haven't really done anything yet. We tried to go out of town but he didn't feel well and we couldn't get on a flight!

August 14-27 - Madelyn and I spent a lot of time at Papa and Grandma's house in Michigan helping my mom recover from her surgery. Mady loves Papa and was his shadow for most of the 2 weeks we were there. She learned so many new words, including :Uh-oh, dog, papa, clock, ball, car, grandma and I'm sure I'm forgetting some. She also learned that a cow says "moo" - she even made the noise to a cow at the fair and it did it back!!! That scared her a little but she enjoyed seeing animals and watching people at the Hudsonville Fair this year. She was only 6 weeks when we went last year so this time she actually got to enjoy it and see everything.

August 28 - I completed my 1st 5k!!! Matt ran with me and so did Mady!!! (in a jogging stroller) Definitely wasn't as well as I wanted it to be but ya gotta start somewhere right?

August 30 - we found mold!!!! Our kitchen cabinets had mold in them and we were forced out of the apartment and into a hotel for a few days

Sept. 2 - Matt took the day off and "supervised" the moving. Due to the circumstances, our old apartment complex hired movers to come in and pack up everything, move to the new place (half a mile down the road) and unload it all into our new apartment. It's a little smaller but it will work until we can find a house. The best part is the new place is more rent each month but because of what happened, we get a nicer, new place for our same lower rent! Woohoo! I guess if I have to move, I'll take that!

I guess that's all now! We are planning on going to Michigan tonight and then to Ann Arbor tomorrow for the opening of Michigan Football!!!! GO BLUE!!!!!!!!

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