Sunday, June 6, 2010


Wow, I can't belive it's been this long since I posted! So much has happened since March that I'm not too sure where to begin.....
Mid-March Madelyn and I flew home to visit for a long weekend and we really enjoyed it! I went to a banquet with my dad that we've gone to for 20 years. My mom and dad liked playing with Mady and seeing how big she has gotten. She was a little nervous around them at first since she hadn't seen them since Christmas but did fine once they played with her and gave her some Cheerios!
While I was gone, Matt moved us into a new apartment! We are so excited to have a place of our own. While we are truly grateful to my in-laws for letting us stay there, it's nice to come home and have a place to ourselves.
April was somewhat uneventful but it marked the time where my mom is no longer able to come visit us. She was officially put on the liver transplant list on Easter weekend, which means she can't be more than 6 hours from the University of Michigan. They were going to come forEaster but since she was placed on the list, it didn't happen.
May was pretty busy. Friday before Mother's Day, I received the call that Mom was going to the hospital to have her surgery!!!!! Well, once I got to the airport (I wanted to fly up and be with dad), I received the next call that stated the surgery was cancelled since the donor liver wasn't as healthy as they thought. Matt and Madelyn and I ended up celebrating my first mother's day with my in-laws. Everyone except Sharleen and I, made a fabulous dinner and we just enjoyed the time together. A week later my cousin Melanie came to visit!!!! We were able to go shopping, take Mady to the aquariium and lay by the pool! She's going to Indonesia as a missionary in November so I'm glad we got that time together.

May also brought a new job for Matt. He's been working as a staff accountant for a company about an hour from here. A few of our friends work for Delta and all talk about how much they love their jobs and how good the benefits are (flying for free, hello???) He decided to submit a resume and he was offered a position just a few hours after he interviewed! He starts June 9th!

June has only been here for a couple days but it's been busy already. Wednesday night my mom got another call to go get a liver andonce again it was cancelled. Everything looked good until an hour or so before the scheduled surgery so she was sent home again. Matt starts his new job on Wednesday and then Sunday is Father's day!!!

We are excited to celebrate Madelyn's 1st birthday coming up July 1st but makes me a little sad to realize my baby is getting so big. She'll be walking anyday now as she does laps holding on to the coffee table. She's eating all solid foods now and refuses her baby food! She doesn't like to take naps at daycare but that means early bedtime when she gets home and sleeping in on the weekends! This weekend she had her 1st fever! I know, she's over 11 months and it was her 1st one but it lasted for 2 days.... which isn't that bad. I think she was just teething as she now has two more that have poked through. Grand total of teeth is 11!!!

I guess that's all! Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks/months
Playing on the slide at the park in the apartment - she loved it!!!
A picture of Mommy and Mady on Easter Sunday just before going to church.

We took Madelyn to the Zoo Atlanta for the day. She LOVED the petting zoo, where she was able to touch goats, sheep and even a pig! She also liked watching the babyy gorillas play in the grass.

Miss Madelyn at the pool - she didn't know what to do at first but once she realized she could splash like in the bathtub, then she had a blast. She has a floating toy that she sits in and she thinks she's so cool - which is true!

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