Things are crazy around here! We've been so busy lately, it's hard to update this.
Let's see.... mom came to visit for a week which was great! Madelyn was able to stay home wtih grandma instead of going to daycare, and I know my mom loved that time with her. I didn't mind either, as it meant dinner was on the table when I got home and the apartment got super cleaned! Thanks, Mom!
I was also able to go to Indianapolis and see one of the greatest people EVER (that's you, Rebekah)!!!!! I was able to take last Friday off (We also had thursday off for veterans day) and fly to Indy with Madelyn. Rebekah and her two boys were waiting for me at the airport and we enjoyed the trip home, complete with three kids in the back seat! My mom drove from Grand Rapids to Rebekah's house and picked up Mady so we could have a girls weekend and she could have more time with Madelyn. It was wonderful! We had pedicures, Panera bread and pizza.... and that was just on Thursday night! Friday we took the day and went to the outlet mall near by and had a great time shopping, without the kids! Thanks to Rebekah's mom for watching her boys so we could go! Saturday, we stayed home for a little while, then went to Circle Center Mall, which was over taken with Band Kids!!!! The BOA nationals were that weekend and of course, the kids all wanted to shop. Definitely brought back memories! Saturday night we went to Outback for dinner and relaxed at home with our lovely green face masks and a movie.
I had to go home on Sunday, but Matt was also in Indiana at a friend's house so he was able to help with Mady in the airport. We didn't think we would get home but God definitely answers our prayers and we made it home around 6pm.
Tonight, we're having a big turkey dinner with our friends and I am so excited! I haven't seen them in awhile and it willbe good to see them all again.
Oh, and they started building our house!!!!!!

she has such a big girl smile now! So cute!