Friday, January 29, 2010

another update

Here's the latest in news about mom. Today she met with a surgical oncologist and he suggested she goes on the liver transplant list. They didn't do the biopsy so we still don't know if the mark on her liver is cancerous but at this stage, the dr. is going to push her through to have a consultation with either a transplant team from Wayne State University or through University of Michigan transplant team (Go Blue!) If she does this, she will be a high priority for the transplant and go from there. They still may do the biopsy at U of M or Wayne state but it would be in a more controlled environment and a more comfortable situation, where the team in Grand Rapids wasn't comfortable doing that. We're hoping the biopsy will be done soon (whether that means before or after a transplant) so we can know if it was cancerous and if anything has spread. Mom made a good point today when we talked on the phone. If they can do a partial/sectional (whatever they call it when they put half of a liver in from a live donor) then I would get tested to see if I am a match. Since the liver can regenerate, I would be willing to donate part of mine (if I'm a match) so she could get it sooner! It all depends on if the transplant team would be okay with that - her hep. c could ruin a partial liver faster which wouldn't be good either. So we'll just have to wait and see what will happen and where we go from here.

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