It's been awhile and I'm sure there are lots of things I could update so we'll see what I remember to add here.
On Thursday, the 17th, Matt, Madelyn and I loaded up the car and headed to Michigan for Christmas. It's a 12 hour trip so we stopped that night at one of my best friends house in Indianapolis. We arrived at 3:30 that afternoon, so much sooner than we thought! Mady did great and was able to have some fun playing with Rebekah's two boys, Luke and Jackson (Jackson is a couple weeks younger than Mady). It was so nice to take a break and get to spend some time together with her since I don't see her very often. It was a rough night for Mady but we made it through and hit the road around 8 that morning to get ot my parents house.
Friday night was the Treece party (for my mom's side of the family) and Saturday was spent getting ready for the Mouw party (dad's family). Sunday we spent the day with Matt's family and Madelyn got more toys than she will ever know what to do with! She had quite the pile! Later that evening, we went to see our former neighbors and spend time with them and their little one (Clayton was born 9/11) We had such a great time with them! I didn't want to leave but it was late and we had some things to do the next day and they had to get to work.
Monday was relaxing and we went to see my cousin Austin's school Christmas program. Tuesday I got to go to Olive Garden with my best friend, Sam! We had a wonderful time with our usual "soup, salad and breadsticks" lunch. Mady even behaved well! Wednesday I went to Panera Bread with Melanie and then we watched "The Blind Side." What a great movie! It was nice to get out and spend some time with her since next year she is going overseas to be a missionary. That evening we had another Christmas party at my uncle's house. Mom and dad were nice enough to take Mady home so Matt and I could go out with a bunch of friends from high school. We had no idea there would be that many people there but it was nice to see all of them since we are all over the place now.
Christmas eve was spent playing cards at Matt's grandparents house and then going to a Christmas eve service at their church. After the service, per our tradition, Matt and I opened our gifts to each other. He got me the game, "Settlersof Catan" which I am addicted to now, thanks to Joel and Katie! Christmas morning we celebrated with my parents and I"m sure they enjoyed watching Mady open her presents, although she enjoyed the paper more than anything else. We had a great time teaching them how to play "settlers" and just relaxing at home.
Saturday afternoon we headed back to Georgia and stopped once again at Rebekah's house. Twice in 10 days was great! We made it back here yesterday around 4:30pm and celebrated Christmas with the family here before Jon had to go back to Memphis today.
That about sums up our trip I suppose. This is my last week as a stay at home mom since I start my new job next Monday. I'm excited but a little sad too that I won't get to spend the days with my baby but I know it's necessary right now. Anyway, I suppose that's all..... Oh, and Happy 1st Birthday to Dylan James!!! Rejoicing and celebrating his special day in the arms of Jesus! (

Madelyn opening her presents on Christmas morning.... she liked the paper the best!

Her first time in the snow! I had her all wrapped up and we went to watch Grandpa use the snow blower!
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