Friday, August 21, 2009

time flie

Mady is 7 weeks old already! It's crazy! She has her two week check up on the 1st of September so we'll see how big she is then!

Lately she hasn't been sleeping during the day for Matt unless she's sleeping on him, on her tummy. So today, we're going to try to put her on her tummy for nap time while I'm at work and see how that goes.

I'll update more later, but I gotta nurse her before work!

1 comment:

  1. Jackson is doing the same thing- he'll sleep on us kind of in an upright/tummy position, then as soon as we think he's out and try to put him down, he screams! The pediatrician said it's probably just gas or colic and he'll grow out of it. In the meantime, it's frustrating! Sometimes sleeping on his tummy helps, other times he thinks it's "tummy time" and gets upset after just a few minutes.
