My sweet little girl is now 8 weeks old! Next Tuesday we go for her 2 month check up and shots... not looking forward to that!
I had my post partum check up on Tuesday and all went well. My doctor said I was completely healed up from delivery, to the point where she couldn't even tell I had a baby!!! Plus, I've lost 31 of the 37 pounds I gained during the pregnancy. I'd like to lose more but I am very happy with that so far.
Matt's been teaching a band camp in Jackson this week so it's been just me and the peanut. She's been really good, plus we've been hanging out at my parents house so they've been a big help too.
This week is the fair and hopefully when Matt gets home, we can go. It's a tradition. We have to go to the fair sometime in the week that it's here. We walk through the animal barns, look at the rides, play some games and walk around enjoying the food and at night, the demolition derby! Can't wait!
Here are a few pictures from Madelyn's newborn photo shoot when she was 2 weeks old.She was crying on her changing table as I was changing her diaper and the photographer decided to keep shooting anyway - very cute, I think!
One of my favorites. She fell asleep as soon as Matt came and held her. I love this picture.
I love the color of this picture! She's wrapped in a blanket her Great-Great Aunt Joy made. Such a sweet baby and look at those blue eyes!!!!This was in our back yard. It was FREEZING cold in the middle of July!!! Oh well. We snuggled her up in her blanket and took a few outside shots. I love it!
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