Wednesday, September 30, 2009

the big move

We've made it! Matt, Mady, my dad and myself all arrived here in Acworth, Georgia (near Atlanta) around 7:30 Friday night. Mady did so well!!! We left Hudsonville (me in a blurry of tears) around 6:30 Thursday night and stayed with one of my best friend's in Indianapolis that night. We didn't get there until almost midnight and then went to bed. We were up and ready to hit the road around 8 am, but first I got to meet Rebekah's sweet new baby boy, Jackson. He was born two weeks after Madelyn. He's adorable!!! I held him for a few minutes and snuggled with him before getting in the car and making the rest of our trip. We were so thankful that God protected us that evening as there have been some crazy things going on in her neighborhood lately (just ask me if you want to know). Our truck was safe and sound in the Miejer parking lot around the corner too!!! We didn't unload much on Friday, just ate dinner and hung around for a little bit before going to bed. Saturday was a busy day with unloading the truck, finding a place to put all the boxes and still making it to church that night. Mady went into the nursery, her first time ever! She did pretty well until the workers had to come get me since she was hungry. Sunday came and I will admit it was the hardest day yet. I'm tearing up even as I think about it. I had to say goodbye to my dad and watch him leave for the airport. I know I am probably the worst daughter ever for not going with him to the airport but I just couldn't do it. I thought saying goodbye in our driveway to my mom was bad enough and I just couldn't go through it again with my dad. So we said goodbye in the house and I cried as he pulled out of the driveway.
Once he left, I fed Mady and went back to bed for a little bit. The rest of the day was spent unpacking boxes and just vegging out. By Monday, the basement looked like a little piece of home, with pictures hung up, our clothes put away and Mady sleeping in her crib.
I'm still applying for jobs, but right now I am enjoying the time with Mady, as she is already growing up so fast. God has truely blessed us with a beautiful little girl.
Matt will start working next Monday for his dad. They were ever so sweet to give us this week to relax and unpack and get things settled and attempt to get our bearings. He is also workign with the marching band that two of his brothers are in. His dad spoke with the band director and he wanted to met Matt so before the rehearsal on Monday, Matt went and talked with the band director and when he didn't get home until almost 7, I knew it was a good sign. He went back to rehearsal yesterday and will also go the rest of this week. I think he's in it for the rest of the season, and will most likely work with them again next year if possible.

I'll leave you with a few pictures of our family, taken a week before we moved. Once I find the camera and camera cord, I'll post pictures of our place here.

Monday, September 21, 2009

bittersweet feelings

Yesterday we had a "going away" party/open house at my parents place. We had quite a few people come to see us before the big move and we really enjoyed getting to see everyone. I only cried once, when Nicole was leaving. Otherwise, things went really well. Some things were said to my mom that were quite hurtful and not expected but she got through it and we had a good day.

Today and the rest of the week is packing overhaul! We have a lot to pack up and only a few days to do it. The big rental truck comes on Wednesday and then have to load up! One of our friends offered to come help us with that so hopefully we can get everything loaded before dad gets out of work on Thursday and we head out. The plan is to load up, leave Thursday around 4:30pm and stop in Indianapolis at my friend Rebekah's house. I can't wait to see her!!!!!! I haven't seen her since my baby shower in May and we've both had babies since then! Friday we will finish the trip and arrive in Acworth, Georgia! (if you need my new address, please let me know). So if I'm not on here or a little bit, please know I'm not ignoring you but just really busy!!!!

All for now!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Madelyn is officially two months old today!!! I can't believe it's gone that fast! She had her two month check up today and all is well. She is now 11 lbs, 6 oz and 22 inches long! What a great baby! That's the 75th percentile in both height and weight. Doctor says she looks good and is nice and healthy.
Her poor leg after getting three shots (two in the left leg and 1 in the right)

This is the only way she would calm down for us after getting home from the doctor. Poor peanut. She did so well!

In other news, I might as well come out and say it.... we're moving to Georgia. Matt was offered a job at his dad's company and accepted the position. We leave at the end of September, so about 4 weeks left! We're very excited about moving, but also very sad. We're excited for a new start in a new city and to be out on our own (in a little bit... first we're living with his dad and step mom) but it's hard to move away from family. All of my family, except my mom's mom, lives here for the most part. Matt's mom's side of the family is mostly here too. We told them about the move yesterday and Saturday and for the most part, they took it well. I understand it's going to be hard to see us leave and it's sad, but please trust me, it's just as hard if not harder on us. We understand what we're doing and realize that we're taking Madelyn away from a lot of her family but we truly feel this is God's will for us. We have spent the last 3 months praying about this and talking about this and feel this is where we are being lead at this time. It's so hard on us, because of Mady but also because most of our friends are here. My best friend since 7th grade is here and I hated having to tell her that we're leaving. I basically broke down in bed last night at the realization of all that was happening. We made the decision about a week ago and then things have been moving so fast I didn't really have time to think about it until after everyones comments last night. I'm leaving some of my best friends, all of my family, our beautiful new house, our wonderful church, a great job and town I grew up in for what? A chance to make a new life, that's what. Matt has a great opportunity to work for his dad, actually just having a job since March, and do something that he likes and is good at. We can be a part of his siblings lives (his brothers are both in marching band in high school) and getting to spend time with his family that we don't get to see that often. This is so hard but we are so excited for this new beginning and please know we are only a 2 hour plane ride, or 12 hour car ride away. We would love visitors and of course we will be back a lot to visit a place I will always call home.