It's been quite the month in January here in our house.
The first weekend in January, Matt's cousin Alysha, moved in with us to complete an internship. She'll be here for 8-10 weeks and living in our guest room. We love having her here! Mady loves her too and Alysha is already her new best friend. She's been so nice and helpful, watching Madelyn for us if we want to go out or helping with dinner or dishes. It's nice to have someone else here too when Matt works in the evenings with his second job.
Which brings me to that. Matt now works for Delta during the day, as always. But now he also works for an inventory company, going to different stores in the evening and doing inventory for them. It's nice to have the extra money coming in to pay off some debt sooner, but gets kind of lonely when he's gone at night. Another reason I am glad to have Alysha here.... I hate going to bed without Matt in the house and feel better knowing she's here too. Hopefully we can get the debt paid off soon, or at least some of it, and then go back to just one job for him :)
We are getting so close to having baby #2. I will officially be 37 weeks tomorrow and next Saturday, one week from now, when I go to the dr again, they will hopefully strip my membranes and maybe get things started. Baby boy is measuring right on track, not too big or too small. Weight gain has been really good, 25 pounds so far in 37 weeks. Hopefully he will make his appearance soon, since he already has a little personality and I can't wait to meet him!