We officially moved into our new house 2 weeks ago! The weekend ofValentine's day started out with my parents visiting from Michigan, complete with a trailer of new (to us) furniture for the new place. We got the keys to the house on Friday, the 11th, and started unloading the trailer right away. Matt's dad and step mom blessed us with dinner and helping unload more things from the apartment that we brought over. Saturday began with movers coming around 9am and loading all hte furniture and big things in the truck for the move. We decided tohire movers this time sincethe apartment was on the 3rd floor and we didn't want to hurt ourselves. Mom and dad took Madelyn to the house to play and keep her occupied for us. The truck arrived at the house and was completely unloaded, boxes, furniture and everything, by 1pm. Again, my in-laws brought over lunch and were amazing! They helped us unpack boxes, move furniture and get things organized. My parents left on Valentines day and the rest of the week was spent unpacking and getting things situated.
Last weekend Matt's mom and step dad came down, since they get flight benefits now! Jim painted the guest room, the half bath and most of Mady's room (until we ran out of paint) Now, the office is unpacke, curtains are hung, color is on the wall and things look pretty good! We still need to put up pictures and get the last few things from the apartment but other than that, we are completely settled in the new place!

Dining room as seen from front door - stairs to the left, kitchen behind it

My wonderful kitchen!!! All new stainless steel appliances and I LOVE the island!

Family room with fireplace to the right - flip a switch and instant fire! :)

This is the loft at the top of the stairs - mostly for Mady's toys and the couch pulls out to a bed!

Madelyn's room - before painting it a pale yellow. Will post new pictures when it's done!

Guest bath upstairs - full bath with linen closet - very nice!!!!

Master bedroom - bath to the left with full walk in closet, and a sitting area to the right with windows out to the front of the house