Yesterday was the four week mark since Madelyn was born. I can't believe how fast time goes! She's such a good baby, other than yesterday! She wanted to eat every hour in the morning, which made for a very tired mommy since it started at 6 am. But then in the afternoon she went back to her 3-4 hour naps between feedings and I was very happy!!!
In honor of my friend Rebekah, who now has two little ones and posted about a "tired mommy moment," here is mine - the first of many I'm sure!
I did some laundry yesterday in between seeing my best friend and taking care of Mady. I threw it in the dryer and thought nothing of it. Well, my wonderful husband brought it out of the dryer and up to the living room so I could fold it all. He proceeds to ask me if I was confused as to what kind of diapers we use. That comment alone made me confused so I looked up at him and there was a diaper (disposable, with a wipe!) laying on the top of the laundry pile!!! Somehow a diaper got in our hamper or Mady's hamper or something and went into the washer and dryer! No, I didn't notice it when I put the clothes from the washer in to dry, otherwise I wouldn't have let it go in the dryer. Well, of course I now worry that the washer/dryer was ruined but Matt went and cleaned them out and they still work... How do I know, you may ask, since I did laundry yesterday??? WELL..... my precious little girl decided to have a MONSTER blow out this morning as I was nursing her! It went through her diaper, sleeper and onto my boppy pillow!!! I'm so thankful the pillow itself is washable!!!
I went out to the gym today for the first time since I had Madelyn. Man, am I out of shape!!! I've lost 22 pounds, and have 14 more to lose but I'm hoping to get into better shape than I was before. I know I'm not supposed to work out until after my 6 week check up but I'm getting too frustrated sitting here and not attempting to work it off. So for now, I will take it slow and see how things go!
Below is a picture from our trip to North Carolina. 5 generations are shown (me, Madelyn, my great grandma Blair, my mom and my grandma Lemonds).
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2 years ago