I am awful at remembering to update this, not that I think many people read it, but it sometimes acts as an outlet for me and I much appreciate it at times.
We've had a lot going on here lately. My parents flew in from Michigan for Christmas. They got here on Monday, the 19th and mom just left this morning (dad left earlier to do some electrical work for a big project). We had a pretty good Christmas with them. We spent the morning opening presents with Madelyn who LOVED to tear the wrapping paper (much to Papa's demise, as he likes to un-wrap it neatly). We had breakfast, played with our new "toys" and then started making Christmas dinner. Dad wanted a turkey so mom and I made a big dinner, with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, corn and rolls. It was yummy!!!! We did all of this while still in our p.j.'s and it was wonderful :) The rest of the week has been just relaxing for the most part. Matt and I both had to go back to work on the 27th and Madelyn got to spend the week at home with Grandma, both enjoyed that I am sure. Other than that, Christmas was pretty low key. I will admit, some things have made me a little frustrated this year involving Christmas, but I will leave those details out as I am trying to get past it and move on :)
We're almost ready for baby boy Douglass to arrive - 7 more weeks until my due date! The crib is all set up, comeplete with cute jungle animal bedding, thanks to Rebekah :) His clothes (all of which have been donated to us - thanks, Rebekah and Joannie!) are all washed and sorted, some hung up and just waiting for him to arrive. We have the dresser and now just waiting for that to be put together. Hopefully this weekend, that will get done and then I can finish organizing the room and making sure everything is ready for him. I was in panic mode, thinking of all the stuff we still needed and didn't have, but we have been blessed with clothes and great deals on nursery furniture and our cloth diaper stash (see my other blog for those details) that I now feel more prepared and ready to meet this little one.
Next weekend, Matt's cousin, Alysha, moves in with us for 2 months! She's doing an internship down here and since we have the room at our house, we offered for her to stay here with us. I know she's excited and we are too. It will be nice to have her around as we haven't spent a lot of time with her and I know Madelyn will love having someone else around to play with and read books with since Mommy can't quite do all of it any more :)
My parents are planning to come back down to our house in February for a couple weeks, once the baby is born. Then in March, I just learned my best friend (a.k.a. Rebekah- if you haven't figured that out already!) is coming to visit!!!! Her husband said she needs a little vacation and her options are Florida and Georgia. I'm glad she's picking Georgia! I can't wait for her to see our house and of course, meet the baby. The last time she was here, was summer 2010 and we've lived in 2 places since then! So excited!
I suppose that's all for now. Time to get back to work :) Or maybe time for lunch.... hmmm